elab2go - Mobile Engineering Lab

elab2go - Mobile Engineering Lab is an online platform for demonstrators showcasing new technologies and trends (in German). Current demonstrators and tutorials explain basics concepts and methods of Applied Machine Learning, Predictive Maintenance, and Internet of Things. The platform is developed as part of the "Offene Digitalisierungsallianz Pfalz"-Project, and aims to transfer innovation and trend technologies from universities in the Rhineland-Palatinate region.

Past projects, to which I contributed while with Fraunhofer ITWM and ontoprise GmbH, focused on applications of Semantic Web technologies and decision support / multicriteria optimization.


2010 - 2012 MappingAssistant. Interactive Maintenance and Diagnosis of Data Integration Rules.
Data models from heterogeneous data sources can be mapped by using integration rules. Mapping is done either manually or in an automated process and has to be repeated when the underlying data models are changed. Mapping errors are introduced either by human mistake or by the automated process and need to be checked manually. Within this project, we developed a semi-automated process and a tool for maintenance and diagnosis of data integration rules.


2010 - 2012 EU-funded project ONTORULE.
Main result of the project is a showcase platform, describing how to implement applications using business knowledge in the form of ontologies and business rules. As contribution to the workpackage Execution and Inference, we developed a new reasoning component for the ontology language OWL and tested it within an industrial scenario.


2010 - 2012 THESEUS-Texo. Infrastructure for Web-based Services.
The THESEUS programme developed technologies for the Internet of Services, specifically semantic technologies able to analyze, classify and link information based on content. As part of the Texo service marketplace we developed a ontology-based recommendation system for a B2B services platform.

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2012 EU-funded project Know4Car. An Internet-based Collaborative Platform for Managing Manufacturing Knowledge.

2008 - 2010 Volvo ChassisPack. Product variant management for utility vehicles, using multicriteria optimization and decision support techniques.

2008 - 2010 ADiWa. Alliance Digital Product Flow, Internet of Things.